Historic Military Impressions operates a store that is dedicated to only caring real government surplus. We might have some after market items and we can order items that are new but not government issue our goal is to be 100% real. We like to say if it is made in China then the Chinese Army used it.
Our store is located in Kenosha Wisconsin at 6527 39th Avenue. We bought the business and started operation on November 1, 2015 when the original owner retired after 22 year in business. We are located right next to the Uhaul on the south edge of their parking lot. The store hours are, Tuesday to Friday 9:00AM to 5:30PM, Saturday 10:00AM to 5:00PM. The store is closed on Sunday and Monday. We can open with an appointment on Sunday and Monday.
Our Facebook page for the store is www.facebook.com/hmisurplus These page is updated when we get new items and when the items are sold it will be removed from the page.